ATTN: Coaches, Consultants, and Expert Trainers

How to Get Paid to Acquire Clients Using the Most Competitive & Sustainable Market-Penetration Platform of the Last Hundred Years

A 2-Day Training Event: February 20-21, 2025

A 2-Day Training Event: 
February 20-21, 2025

From the Desk of Taylor Welch
Franklin, TN

Last month, one of my companies collected a $54,640 check for posting videos on the internet.
From the Desk of Taylor Welch
Franklin, TN

Last month, one of my companies collected a $54,640 check for posting videos on the internet.

Now that I have your attention.
Now that I have your attention.

I want to show you HOW it happened,
and how it can be MODELED.

I want to show you HOW it happened, and how it can be modeled.

In case you’ve been pitched these things before, let me just clear the air:

  • No, it wasn’t an “easy” magical system that worked with no strategy
  • No, I didn’t just turn on a camera and start randomly recording videos
  • No, I’m not an “influencer” and this isn’t my full time job (which is good news because I doubt you are either)

If it were easy, pretty much everyone wasting space on the internet would be getting paid millions to do nothing. 

The good news is that it’s not easy for everyone. The better news is that my system is predictable and it’s working for the handful of people I’ve personally shared it with… so now it’s time to help you build it, if you qualify for it.

In the next few minutes...

I’m going to teach you how to build this system for your business – it will turn a competitive ‘red ocean’ landscape into a blue ocean where you are the only option… but before I do that, let’s tackle the WHY behind this strategy (in essence, why you need this, and why you are running out of time to build it)...

The Most Expensive Asset in the World

The first form of currency in recorded history was something called a “rai stone.” It was a giant piece of a rock. The bigger your rock, the more money you had. It’s antiquated, but it’s basically the same today except it’s little pieces of metal instead of rocks. We’re growing up.

The first form of currency in recorded history was something called a “rai stone.” It was a giant piece of a rock. The bigger your rock, the more money you had. It’s antiquated, but it’s basically the same today except it’s little pieces of metal instead of rocks. We’re growing up. 

As the world matured, financial systems were built and installed to create “assets.” Assets are things that have a monetary backstop (even though they aren’t actual money). 

In the 70s, oil took over the world as the #1 most precious “asset” that drove up (or down) the price of other assets. If you’ve heard of something called the petrodollar, they’re referencing the value of oil and money as they are connected together.

As the world matured, financial systems were built and installed to create “assets.” Assets are things that have a monetary backstop (even though they aren’t actual money). 

In the 70s, oil took over the world as the #1 most precious “asset” that drove up (or down) the price of other assets. If you’ve heard of something called the petrodollar, they’re referencing the value of oil and money as they are connected together.

But, something is changing...

With the rise of social media, massive brands have been started, funded, and scaled up on the backs of platforms that produce nothing but fans and followers who will try whatever is being pitched to them.

  • Kylie Cosmetics
  • Prime Energy Drinks
  • Gymshark
  • ​Fashion Nova
  • Feastables (Mr. Beast - heard of him?)

All built off the back of attention.

Attention is the New Oil.

Attention is
the New Oil.

It’s more valuable than any other money-backed asset because it is the thing that is driving the value of the asset itself.

Have you ever heard of Facebook? Instagram. TikTok. YouTube. These brands barter in the exchange of human attention and are worth billions of dollars. The algorithms are programmed differently, but the gist remains the same: “how do we get people to pay attention so that we become more valuable?” 

The job of the modern business owner is changing. To the extent that you can find new and creative ways to leverage this slipstream of attention – you will be successful. If you cannot get attention, you can solve world hunger and nobody will care (because they’ll never know).

I've found that there are really only
two ways of getting attention:

I've found that there are really only two way of getting attention.



A shameless confession...

I spent the first decade of my career as the "PAID ADS GUY." When I started my first business, I didn’t know how to earn attention. 

So I learned how to advertise. The algorithms were simpler back then and, believe it or not, you could build a multi-million dollar business empire using nothing but a couple of basic ads and some targeting. 

But in 2023, as my companies started to get bigger, I felt a shift happening. 

The old ways of acquiring clients (paid ads, small communities, ‘direct to sales’ copy, etc) were not yielding the same returns. It’s like everybody was trying to fight for the same attention in the same way and things were getting way more expensive.

This is called “market sophistication,” and it happens all the time. As a market sophisticates (not a real word, but stay with me), buying their attention gets more expensive. There is an algorithmic science behind this but we don’t have time to cover it in this letter.

I set a goal to figure out new ways
of acquiring attention and went to work.

I set a goal to figure out new ways of acquiring attention and went to work.

It was a big decision, because the thing I loved about paid advertising was how quick and methodical it was.

The decision to embark upon a multi-year “test” to figure out what the big players knew seemed costly and unnecessary… 

If you feel this way, I understand why.

  • Platform content feels slow and inconsistent
  • You don’t want to be the ‘face’ of everything (you’re busy enough as it is)
  • Coming up with new, interesting topics to talk about seems like a grind
  • ​If you miss even ONE week, the algorithm might punish you
  • Everyone is pretending to have it figured out but they’re just throwing sh*t up against a wall trying to ‘guess’

All of these things are correct... IF you start from ground zero with no training & no strategy. But, what I want to do is eliminate all of those concerns and start you out way ahead of the starting line. 

Everything I did bombed for about a year, but then the data started making sense. 

The Science of Content-Based Acquisition

Around the start of 2024, we changed our entire approach and launched a new Youtube channel. 

We started over, using a handful of assumptions that we had pieced together from the ‘randomness’ of it all. The shift was dramatic and almost instantaneous. 

Comments started rolling in. New subscribers. Shares. Then these platforms started paying us, like a lot. And it isn’t slowing down.

For the first time, we are hosting a 2-day, intimate workshop to help you use all of what we learned to build your own successful asset to feed the business of your choice… this asset will work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and, once it ‘hits,’ it doesn’t stop.

More details on that in a second.

There are FOUR main elements to the system we are going to be installing with you for this:

Thematics & Buckets

Content filtering, and how to choose precise topics worth talking about.

Channel Dynamics

How to structure, build and feed your channel so that it grows automatically.

The Perfect

The Perfect Video

Create videos that take viewers from 'Click' to 'Commit' to 'Connect' to 'Convert.'

Competitive Advantages

Advanced mechanics, content alignment, and how to work WITH the algorithms.

A quick note: I set unreasonably high standards for the material that we publish.

If you release something that does not MATCH the four elements I shared above, it will not work and (worse) it will hurt your brand tremendously. Do not just throw spaghetti at a wall and hope it sticks… if there were a guaranteed way to miss this gold rush and end up obscure and irrelevant forever, that is how you would do it. 

Most content gurus are saying things like, “Publish publish publish” and “it’s not about the views it’s about the right views.” Both of those things are stupid. Without “VIEWS” it’s impossible to get “tHe rIgHt vIeWs.” And you should not publish publish publish – unless you have no job and no life and nothing to do except talk to a camera.

You want to know that this will work, right? And that it will matter – therefore you need a system to enable you don’t get strung out trying to be Kim Kardashian when the world doesn’t care about that. 

This is where the algorithm penalizes ignorance and charges you a hefty fee for it – we can help you avoid all of that… 

There are entire episodes from my personal channel that have been shot, edited and produced… that will never see the light of day (I will teach you my framework for this at the event). 

How about we get into some proof?

This system is a flywheel, meaning that once it’s up and running, it will keep running at larger scale without requiring equivalent increases in workload. 

Here's a snapshot of the last 6 months.

And it just keeps going...

From 0 views to over 4.8 million views
From 0 views to over 4.8 million views
From $0 to over $50k/mo (purely from the platform – there are other monetization pathways turned on from advertising to our main brands)
From $0 to over $50k/mo (purely from the platform – there are other monetization pathways turned on from advertising to our main brands)
From hundreds of subscribers to hundreds of THOUSANDS of subscribers
From hundreds of subscribers to hundreds of THOUSANDS of subscribers

And it wasn't just the Youtube channel either...

Combined, my social media platforms post around 7-8 million views per month and they are all growing. 

How does this correlate to business exactly?

  • Last month I sold out my first ever in-person event specifically for the podcast/YT channel… in 65 minutes…
  • I’ve already added a second live event in New York City at the end of this year… 1,000 person venue with 60% of the tickets already reserved…
  • We launched our first JV deals between two companies that I owned, and have already monetized more from that partnership than any other JV deal I’ve ever been a part of (while getting paid for it from YouTube)

Every few days, someone from my network texts me to ask me about it. How it's working, why it's working, and what I'm doing to drive it. There have been enough of them that I thought, “I should teach this to clients, and make it available for a few people that I care about to learn it from us.”

Enter February…

The Blue Ocean 
Content System Event

For 2 days, on February 20th and 21st, I’m pulling out all of the stops and showing the entire messaging and amplification framework I built to acquire clients from content.

You will walk away with a playbook:

  • How to mine endless VALUABLE content topics: our style of running successful content campaigns relies on two competitive-edges. The first edge requires you to align with your unique background, experience & personality. The second edge requires you to know what is being talked about in your market and what is not. We will go much deeper on this at the event.
  • Communication skills for nailing the two styles of online content: we mix long form with short form (this is platform-specific) and we only shoot content once. IMPORTANT: I don’t want to be sitting in a room for days trying to shoot ten hours of content. That’s not my style. I’m busy and have multiple businesses to run. We built this system for me (maximum leverage). If you want to waste your time, go do that… but I am not a fan and this system accounts for that. This is the simplest (and fastest) way to get your content distribution to the masses.
  • How to post-produce for quality: we will teach on the styles of editing that perform well for different qualities of followers & prospects. The world is addicted to hype & dopamine. Your best clients will not be. From your thumbnails to your music selection and editing processes — we’ll go into this. If you have a team member who is doing all of your editing, you will get a single license to access the recordings of the material after the event (share it with them to train them). Speaking of editors…
  • ​Our final topic will be how to properly assemble a content team: one of my specialties is finding & locking in team members who are A-players. It’s the only way I have broken records in a world of full time content producers while working 1/10th of the time they do.

Plus, I'll have some special guests joining me to round out the teaching.

Meet my expert guest presenters...

Marley Jaxx - The Content Queen

Marley Jaxx -
The Content Queen

Marley is a powerful storyteller, who understands the science of disruptive content better than anyone I've ever met. She also has a unique, magical gift for making content FUN (which it absolutely should be if you're doing it right).

Aleric Heck - Youtube Ads Genius

Aleric Heck -
Youtube Ads Genius

When I first met Aleric, he was a college student with an un-ignorable entrepreneurial itch. In the years since, he's built an empire with AdOutreach, building Youtube ad strategies for some of the best and biggest names in the coaching/consulting space and beyond!

Jake Brian - Video and Creative Wizard

Jake Brian -
Video and Creative Wizard

Jake is the driving force behind much of what you see on the Deep End (aside from being my co-host on the show). From the recording setup, to the editing, to the channel structure and management - Jake has invested countless hours into understanding what makes compelling content that "clicks."


How to go viral (although you probably will a few times)

How to go viral (although you probably will a few times)

How to become a full time influencer (boring)

How to become a full time influencer (boring)

How to master the latest TikTok craze (don’t have time)

How to master the latest TikTok craze (don’t have time)

How to “game the algo brah” (stupid)

How to “game the algo brah” (stupid)

None... of... that… 

Sounds good? You should pay close attention to what comes next. 

How much does this cost?

How much does
this cost?

I’ll spare you the bullsh*t of reframing this question… 

“Well what’s your future cost?” 
“Well what’s it cost to not have this system?” 

Amateur marketer questions that fail to convey the meaning (or significance) of why we are doing this event in the first place… 

It’s both cheap and expensive. 

Expensive enough to deliver the full torque that this system is capable of delivering (if it’s installed correctly). We require two days with you and a small room to deliver it properly. It’s also cheap enough to act as an IQ-test, filtering the business owners who get it from the ones who just want a welfare handout.

Here are the particulars

Full access to the 2-day livestream event

Full access to the 2-day
livestream event

Two straight days of no fluff, no filler - just real insights that fuel results. Sessions begin at 9:30 a.m. CST each morning, and go until 5 p.m. CST.

All Recordings

Watch, rewatch, and implement at your own pace. All recordings will be available within 7-10 days of the close of the event via our private customer community.

The Playbook

A structured breakdown of the entire content acquisition system.

Q&A Sessions

Ask your burning questions and get clarity in real time.

This is a leveraged bet on your future.

But fair warning: We’re capping this at 25 people. Once the seats are filled, they’re gone.

This isn’t some fake scarcity play. I’m intentionally limiting how many people get access to what I’m teaching here, and reserving the best price for those who actually understand the value and will put it into action.

The rest of you can kick rocks.

This is guarded IP, and I’m keeping it that way for a reason.

A few common courtesy reminders:

  • I will not check in with you before selling the available spots
  • I will not remind you every day to take your business seriously and secure access to training opportunities like this
  • I will not hold a spot for you indefinitely

What If This Doesn’t Work For Me?

What If This Doesn’t
Work For Me?

The good news is, if you purchase the $1K virtual ticket for this event and you don’t like it, don’t get value, or just don’t want to keep the recordings - you can get a refund.

I didn’t get rich off of selling random $1K products here and there.

This is an investment I’m making in you. But more importantly, it’s also an investment that you are making in yourself. If you need the money back, ask for it within 30 days and we will refund every penny.

If we see you teaching this material and calling it your own later, we’ll sue you. Plain and simple. Gamble if you wish.

That tells you how serious I am about what I’ll be showing you at this event.

This page will stay up until all 25 virtual tickets are sold, or until we kick the event off on the morning of the 20th. Whichever comes first.

May the odds be ever in your favor. 

Taylor Welch
CEO, The Wealthy Consultant

Taylor Welch
CEO, The Wealthy Consultant

The TL;DR - For Those of You Who
Like to Read Without Reading

The TL;DR - For Those of You Who Like to Read Without Reading

From February 20-21, we’ll be training on our entire Blue Ocean Content system that we’re using to get PAID to acquire clients each month.

In-person tickets are sold out, but I’m making 25 virtual tickets available to our community for a one-time investment of $1,000.

What your investment gets you:

  • Full access to the two-day livestream event – No fluff, no filler, just execution-ready insights.
  • Complete recordings – Watch, rewatch, and implement at your own pace.
  • The playbook – A structured breakdown of the entire content acquisition system.
  • Q&A sessions – Ask your burning questions and get clarity in real time.

If you come to this page via an email or social post and it says “Offer Expired” you missed out. Sorry (but not really).

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