Read this to learn why right now is the best time in the last 20 years to...
Build a Profitable
Consulting Business
Build a Profitable 
Consulting Business
From Taylor Welch 
Nashville, TN

My name is Taylor and I’ve built four 8-figure businesses since 2015.

Before that, I was a musician. I knew nothing about marketing, sales, or business management. I didn’t go to school for this and it is my loosely held belief that most college education is a waste. 

It’s different if you are a doctor. Or an attorney. There are a handful of industries that absolutely must have centralized, “regulated” education. 
But what I want to give you on this page is a collegiate-level* understanding of business so that you can build whatever you want.
AND, I want to teach you SPEED.
It doesn’t have to take you 4 years to build something profitable.
*Collegiate-level is an opinion that I hold. We are not affiliated with any higher level education companies. When I say collegiate-level I mean sophisticated, organized, and meticulously assembled “real life” education taught by capable professionals.
These screenshots are all from real clients and we have a track record of working with for several months. They are not “overnight” nor were they easily secured. Translation: this requires work. But if you know how to do the work, you will eventually see the outcomes you’re after.
Recessions can help you or kill you
All businesses grow (and decline) because of predictable cycles. 

There are periods where growth is easy, and periods where growth is hard. 

The most lasting growth is when it is difficult. 
Think about it – when growing something is harder, you have less competition. When you have less competition, you’re going to win BIGGER. 

Right now we are in the midst of two big economic “corrections.” 

You can use these corrections to take huge market share from people who simply don’t know what they’re doing. But you need a system to implement if you’re going to do this. 

I will take it a step further: 

If you don’t have a system to implement, you’re gambling. And while gambling can be quite addictive, it is hardly ever profitable.

  A Quick Caveat...

Before you read the rest of this page: there is going to be something for you to buy at the end of this letter.
I am very honest and upfront about that because if you are on foodstamps and cannot afford groceries, I don’t want you to waste your time. Go get a job and take care of yourself. 

But if you can afford a quick trip to Nashville and a hundred dollar ticket – this opportunity is the most insane chance you will ever get to CHANGE your life forever.
A predictable "growth" curve
You can categorize the things you need to build into these 3 buckets:
  • Market selection & messaging
  • Offer building & packaging
  • Conversion & enrollment
There will be opportunities to learn other things later. But you first must secure profits to pay for them. My philosophy on business building is simple: create profits, re-invest them to buy more profits. 

The way we all start is by investing into skill-acquisition.
Here is my model in a nutshell:
If you have no business experience, this will take you six months at a minimum to build out. 

Some of the pictures I shared earlier of client case studies are from people who’ve been working this system for at least that long. 

If you have decent experience it can happen a lot faster, sometimes as early as 30 days. But the expectations you should have going into this is that it will take work and consistency. 

You’ve probably seen other people promise big results in 48 hours but I am not a liar, so I can’t promote that way.
Other proof:
But… None of that means that you will be successful overnight without putting in the reps & the time necessary to learn this skill set. Business is not about getting lucky & getting rich.
It is about learning skills that can take care of you, your family, and your quality of life. Part of that quality of life includes the ability to be generous with the people around you. 

That said, here’s the offer I want to share with you right now.

May 22, 2024 | NASHVILLE, TN

For one day only, right here in Nashville, Tennessee my team and I are going to pour into you models, frameworks, and critical training to help you build a successful training business. 

Here is a list of disqualifiers – to be read literally, if any of the following applies to you, please do not buy a ticket:
  • If you have no expertise at all that can help or benefit other people, this will not be helpful
  • If you are younger than 18, you can’t come unless your parents bring you
  • ​If you are looking for a “get rich quick” hack and have less than 2 hours a week to put into building something stable, don’t attend
If, however, you have an expertise in something like business, management, health & wellness, relationships, parenting, speaking & communication, or any other skill that you have used successfully… 

…I think this will be one of those moments you will look back on for the rest of your life as instrumental. 

We are putting on an event that you will have you saying, "THANK YOU," to yourself for daring to attend.
I've made the event ticket
affordable on purpose.
I've made the event ticket affordable on purpose...
Here is why: we have a lot of programs & experiences for business owners that range from $1,000 to $150,000. Some of my clients pay $150,000 just to meet with me every month and they thank me for letting them get in at such a fair price.

That’s because nobody knows how to grow stable, enjoyable, profitable businesses like I do. 

I have several businesses and projects in my portfolio that are not only profitable but insanely fun to run.

If you want the highest odds of success for what you are building, you owe it to yourself to be at this event. Ballpark costs that you need to keep in mind:

Ticket price for entry is only $100

Ticket price for entry is only $100

Airfare to Nashville to spend the day with me, my team and some clients will be $500 - $2,000 depending on where you’re flying from

Airfare to Nashville to spend 2 days with me, my team and some clients will be $500 - $2,000 depending on where you’re flying from

Hotel for 1-2 nights (maybe 3 if you decide to stay an extra day in Nashville to hang after the event) will likely range from $150 - $300 per night

Hotel for two nights (maybe three if you decide to stay a few extra days in Nashville to hang after the event) will likely range from $150 - $300 per night

We have food handled for the day but you’ll also need to cover dinner at night… and, I will help connect you with people to have dinner with & network with while you’re here. 

There is a mixer in the evening, after the event, where food will be covered. But I am not going to type up an elaborate “itinerary” on this page. 

If you are serious about building & stabilizing something for you and your family, figure out how to get here for this. If you can’t swing $100 because you don’t know the precise minute a session will start, keep watching YouTube videos and trial + error your way through it.

This will be much cheaper than trial and error.
So... to quickly recap:
Sessions covering market/message, offer/packaging, and enrollment
Our unique framework for taking a business from “nothing” to “stable & profitable” in 6-12 months using data
World-class people, mixers, dinners & a lot of networking that will fill you with belief & excitement
(PS some of the clients I shared with you at the top of this letter will be there! Which is amazing… when you meet them you will realize they’re just like you and they started exactly where you are right now) 

This is a ridiculous offer – but let’s make it even safer.
Backed By the Best Guarantee Money Can Buy
Backed By the
Best Guarantee Money Can Buy
I want you to know that every dollar you give me will have no buyer’s remorse attached. If you feel that you did not get the value you deserved for your $100 (lol) we have an unconditional money-back guarantee for this. 

You can attend the event and get your fee back. 

If you do that, I will never allow you to buy something from me ever again (for the record). But things happen. Sometimes stuff comes up and you just don’t feel like the money or time spent was appropriate. 

I’ll make sure you make more money than I do in the event that this happens. I firmly stand by this statement: you will never find a more predictable, logical, profitable system for running & building your business than this one. But if you decide I’m wrong about that you can call or email us (or just ask for it at the event) and we’ll refund all of your money for the ticket.

Have questions? Call One of My Advisors Now at (615) 395-3087

This is gnarly.

WARNING: we are hard-capping this event at 100 people. 

When we cap something we keep an internal record of volume and we turn the page off when we hit it. If you go to buy and get a “sold out” page, it means you waited too long. 

I hope to meet you in Nashville and I cannot wait to see what we build together!
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