What will it feel like to become completely unstoppable?

Un·stop·pa·ble /

impossible to stop or PREVENT; unbeatable.

impossible to stop or PREVENT; unbeatable.

4 Core Models to Rebound from Failure, Reprogram Insecurity, Condition Your Torque-Strength & Build STAYING POWER

From the yellow notepad of a "fellow champion"

Nashville, TN

From the yellow notepad of a "fellow champion"

Nasvhille, TN

You know you are a champion when:
  • You dream of a future that is somehow bigger than what you currently feel capable of achieving
  • Your future is so big that the resistance, the forces of darkness, or the current powers that be have tried to take you out again & again
  • You have people that matter and who depend on you to become your highest, greatest, most powerful self
  • ​You’re not the type for cutting corners or begging for discounts in your life: your future is good enough that it is worth sacrificing for — even if it’s a bit uncomfortable now

Consider This a Checkpoint

If you fail to meet any of the criteria on this list, I respect you as a human; but I am not called to help you. You can leave. 

If you meet one (or all) of these points, I have a message for you:

Champions are built, not found. 

You are in the process of being forged. My mission is to speed it up.

One day I hit a pivotal crossroads in my life. You may be at this crossroads right now.
I chose the latter and I hope you choose that as well. 


If you’re one of the people who’s followed me for a long time and you know you want to work together — you can skip to the bottom and secure 1 of 100 available copies of this new program. 

If you want to learn more before you buy, let’s dive in. 

But please be advised, we adhere to a strict standard of “supply & demand” for all of our products. This current program will have 100 available copies available for purchase. After we hit that allotment, the pages will be turned off and you will be turned away to a waiting list. 

So read it quickly, then make the call.

The Bigger the Calling
the Higher the Price

Life can be exhausting. 

When I’m speaking or traveling, occasionally someone will stop me in an airport or at a hotel to say hello. It’s always weird for me as an introvert… 

I speak in front of thousands & my shows are syndicated across millions of listeners every month – but in my heart – my happy place is by a pool or a fire, alone, with a good book and a coffee. 

Nonetheless, I love seeing the impact of my collective body of work. Just a few weeks ago I was stopped in an airport on the way to an engagement and had the following conversation:

Them: "Are you Taylor Welch?"

Me: "Yes, lol - hi."

Them: “Wow it’s so good to meet you, I watch all of your content thank you so much.”

Me: “Oh that is amazing - thank you so much. That’s awesome. What do you do?”

Them: “Oh I do coaching. Man, if I had your kind of resources I would totally hire your team to help me build — I just don’t have that kind of cash and I don’t have a team.”

Me in my head: “What the f*ck? Does this person not listen to anything I’ve ever said?”

Me in real life: “Oh wow… you know — I used to have no resources, I had to figure out how to be resourceful. It doesn’t matter who you hire but you need to get out of the excuses. Great to meet you man!”

I shook his hand and boarded my plane. 

The truth is: my life has extracted a great price from me. 

All great missions require great investment. For you to get where you’re going the required cost of admission will be epic. You can choose to settle or you can choose to invest into your own mental durability. Everything in your tangible world starts first in the intangible mind.

It isn’t me who profits or loses by this choice of yours – it is you and the people around you. My invitation is simple: if you want a surefire way to turn around whatever pressures are pushing against you, this is it.
This doesn’t mean you don’t need skills. It means that the greatest skillset you can develop is commitment. Oh yes, “commitment” is a SKILL that can be cultivated & developed. You aren’t born with it nor is it natural. It is developed in the fires and forges of adversity. 

You cannot keep a committed person from success.

Emphasis on committed because that’s what most are lacking today. The opportunities are endless - literally endless. There are so many ways to get rich, make money, have fun, leave a legacy, etc — you are bombarded with opportunities DAILY. There are, however, two formidable obstacles that prevent most people from hitting greatness:
Cynical people achieve nothing. 

These are extreme pessimists who are committed to their own suffering. Look, if someone is committed to their obstacles, I will let them keep the obstacles. It isn’t worth setting them free from a prison they are addicted to. 

John D. Rockefeller said “Optimists see opportunity in suffering. Pessimists [cynics] see suffering in opportunity.” To restore your ability to win you will need to deprogram your pessimism and rewire yourself to see opportunity. That is part of what this page (and the program attached to it) is built to do.

The second obstacle is inconsistency. I’ve got that covered as well; we’ve included a protocol in the program that will eliminate inconsistency & create ruthless adherence for 30 straight days — this is enough time to create predictable consistency at a habit-level. 

George Gilder said this:
So what do you say? 

How about we get into brass tacts and uncover what this is really all about. It’s time to get what you came for.

How to Program the
Champion Inside of You

Nature is intense and unforgiving. It is also simple. You know this and you’ve felt it. 

In biology, the things that die first are the things that deserve to die. When you fast, the bad proteins in your body are killed off first. When you cold plunge, the unproductive mitochondria are destroyed first. This process is called autophagy and it’s the body’s way of conserving resources — addition through subtraction. 

Nature optimizes through removing what does not deserve to be there.
Life’s job will never be to give you what is “fair.” It’s job is to give you what you deserve. Substantiated by Dr. Hawkins in this quote:
“To be a success, it is necessary to embrace and operate from the basic principles that produce success, not just imitate the actions of successful people. To really do what they do, it is necessary to be like they are.”
The only language of command required to win and win more often is the language of “deserve.” Let me teach you how.

"Do You Deserve It?"

What you will find in this letter (and in this new course), are the exact methods thousands of my clients have used to develop TORQUE and STAYING POWER. It comes down to four main core scripts:

•  Reverse-Engineering Greatness

•  Redeem the Past With Meaning

•  Court Your Future Self

•  Daily Programming OS

If you can master these 4 quadrants you begin painting a picture for the world around you. Like a painting you’re too close to, at first you cannot see it. But as you advance and master, life begins to see your picture in more details.

Everything around you is a “mirror.” It does you no good trying to manipulate the image in the mirror — to change the image in the mirror you must change the source. If you want your life to change you will need to slowly — steadily — change the source of the reflection. In 30 days you will feel different. In 60 days everything around you will feel different. In 90 days you will have a wind at your back called “momentum” and you’ll never look back. 

The hardest part is reversing inertia and getting movement started. That part I cannot do for you…


Reverse-Engineering Greatness

I have spent thousands of dollars learning from the greatest programmers and practitioners in the world. For years I’ve been chasing one thing: a framework for control over one’s future. Science has grown leaps and bounds since the days of old — we now have the ability to track, manage & predict the energy levels coming out of a person’s mind. 

Even your thoughts create shockwaves through the holographic universe that impact the field of energy around you. If you’ve ever walked into a room and felt sort of, down and out — you’re feeling the energy. If you’ve been to an event with me and the moment you walk in you felt “safe,” and “happy,” and enthusiastic (all words students have used to describe our environments) you are also feeling energy… 

The tell-tell sign of the quantum age is this: people feel you before they see you or hear you. Your state matters & your identity matters. 

Why am I telling you this? 

Because I have a unique model designed to compress the 3 planes of time:
When you follow & implement this — your future becomes inevitable based on your selection of words, thoughts & attitudes that can be placed into your present right now. IMPORTANT: I have only trained approximately 200-250 people on this model — ever. 

As you know, my models and frameworks have been syndicated across hundreds of thousands of paid students and millions of followers. But this is brand new, and I’ve only had the privilege of testing it inside small, private, and expensive settings — until now. 

The clients who have had access to this model and subsequent training are 30k+ paying clients and students. In the program we go deep into this topic and this equation of “reverse-engineering greatness” and I promise you that if implemented, everything changes forever. 

What if you knew exactly what to do today, tomorrow, and the next day to guarantee the ideal outcome occurs within your chosen timelines? I realize how incredible this sounds — but this is the outcome you will experience when you fully immerse yourself in this first pillar with the accompanying training.


Redeem the Past With Meaning

So long as there is shame attached to past failure, there will be fear of future failure. 

One thing the greatest do not have is a fear of failure. I can say this because:
  • I studied so many of them that...
  • I became one of them
There is a protocol that I use with clients to reprogram past experiences into positive and empowering lessons for future achievement.

When one removes the shame, they remove the fear. Remove the regret and you remove the anxiety. If you’ve ever wrestled with anxiety, fear, worry, insecurity, indecision, etc — this protocol will be a life changing installation for you. 

One of my coaches said this to me when I was battling with a rather severe sprint of regret and anxiety:
“You cannot both defend the past and define your future. Deal with your past to truly define where you are headed.”
This conversation sent me on a rabbit trail that ultimately led to freedom. 

Imagine the dead weight of your entire past turning into a fuel source for your mission… this can’t be a better feeling and it’s potentially an hour or two away for you right now. 

Speaking of your past — something fascinating happens when you finally reframe & reprogram your past…

…Your past narrative rewrites future trajectory…

There’s a secret “bonus” we’ve thrown into this bundle. 

In November, I am doing a workshop — the first of its kind & subject — backed by science, experience & deep study of the subject… the title of the workshop is “Belief Architecture.” When you begin messing with the memories of your past, you open up an alternate timeline that can be selected based on merit. 

Here is what this means:

•  The present is a byproduct

•  The past, “clocks” over into the future

•  The nanosecond of transition is called “present”

We cannot control the present directly. We can only control it as a byproduct based on two independent variables: the past, and the future. The way we control the future, then, is actually by rewriting the narrative of the past. 

Stay with me on this because it is worthy of mastery. 

The realm of the mind is tricky. Your mind has tens of thousands of years of evolution built into it. That evolution is not for your advancement, it is for your protection. The best way evolution knows to protect you is to keep you in one place. In fact, advancement is rather risky, from an evolutionary standpoint. 

If you climb out of the fence and travel into new lands — let’s just think of the things that could go wrong:
😬  You get eaten by a lion
😬  There's no food
😬  You freeze to death
😬  Etc...
So yea, according to evolution — the best way to survive is to just stay put. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know. The problem with this is it’s absolutely false. Modern society does not reward you for being stagnant… evolution is slow — the way we speed it up is by UPDATING the algorithms that cause us to stay stuck. 

This workshop is only being put on for our private top-level clients. But for 100 people, we’re including a bonus livestream ticket. You’ll get to attend live on Zoom and you’ll get a replay of the training. There will be no one in the room who has not paid $30,000 - $50,000… this is a helluva bonus and the only reason it is included is because I was born to help people like you advance


Court Your Future Self

Recently I flew to London to give a presentation on “antifragility.” The idea was simple: business is easy, survival is difficult. If you can learn to survive without going backwards, you will most likely find yourself at the top eventually. 

A statement was made that shook the room and it’s a central piece of our process here: your competition is not “out there.” You only have one person to compete with: your perfect self in the future. There are unique attitudes, attributes, facial expressions, decisions, and words your future self says — you need to know them and model them.
I had the opportunity to spend time with Dr. Benjamin Hardy, one of the leading experts on “future self” and the psychology of future self. Throughout the last 36 months I’ve invested dozens of hours studying this science and how to integrate it into the busy entrepreneur’s schedule. 

Let’s be honest: I don’t have time to spend 3 hours every morning staring at some made up version of my future self. I’ve got work to do, lots of it - and so do you. Because of my time constraints I’ve created a protocol that allows you to tap into the energy of your future without getting disconnected from your present.
If you live in the future too long, you are vulnerable in your present moment. This is about the ability to zoom in, then out — and use the lessons you gather from your future to install into your present. In fact, I just used this protocol yesterday to make a big decision that I needed to make. 

Making the wrong decision is costly, and the right decision has millions of dollars in upside. I consulted my future, and pushed GO. I used it 2 weeks ago on a different decision and the result was the opposite. I consulted my future, and decided to stay put. This is a great way to ensure you will not regret or have to “undo” decisions later.


Daily Programming

At the top of the letter we talked about consistency. I’ve engineered a roadmap to make this easier for you. For 30 days, you will log into a portal and you will complete the homework / required listening.

My goal isn’t to dump 100 hours of sh*t on you to get lost in. 

We are going to thread the needle here. This is the concept of “minimum effective dose.”
Did you know that to be fluent in Spanish only requires you to learn 2,500 words? There are over 100,000 words in the Spanish language but you only need 2,500 to be fluent. To boil water you do not need 700 degrees Fahrenheit, you need 212 degrees.

Two Advil is perfect - but 22 Advil is destructive.
I want to train you on “minimum effective dose,” and we do that by putting you through exactly what works without wasting time on an extra .5% that does not matter. This sounds contrary to what most experts are teaching today because I am an actual practitioner. I build real companies for a living, coaching is a passion. 

Commit to 5 minutes a day for 30 days and ~20 minutes a day on weekends and let’s build internal power that will change the world for a thousand years.

If I’ve Still Got Your Attention — 
Let’s Talk Next Steps

You’re still reading, so you’re likely very serious about hitting your next “quantum leap.” I’m known for being ruthlessly honest even when it hurts — so here we go: 

This product will not fix “everything” in your life that you do not like. I’m sorry, but even I cannot wave the magic wand and create breakthrough without your direct participation.

I can, however, promise you this: if you can commit to 30 days of deep immersion into this material, it will change your mind (and spirit) forever. Every bit of pressure that bothers you right now will excite you a month from now. This is when you become truly unstoppable: no enemy can beat you because you get stronger with the conflict! 

But alas, this process requires partnership – it is a joint effort.

My job is to give you leverage...

... and a clear path to run on. Most people are willing to make the changes — but they don’t know what changes to make. If you fall into that category, you’ll benefit tremendously from this program.

The reality though is that a lot of people are just dumb. They think buying something will fix everything because they “paid the price.” HA – look, the $199 you will pay to own this program is not the only cost involved in creating unstoppable energy in your life. First you must own the program, second you must do the work inside the program. 

If you continue, you will own one of best programs I’ve ever developed as it pertains to the mind, the spirit & the ability to convert failure & problems into POWER.

How the Material is Organized

Quantum Leap Session

Train your mind to see beyond reality & then, eventually, control it

Reality Control Session

This is the first time I’ve ever taught this material on “reframing” the past to create a better future; complete with exercises and homework to implement

Design Your Future Self

Two unique series on identifying the version of your future & yourself that you want; then bringing crystal clear pictures into TODAY so you can match it; complete with exercises and homework to implement

30 Day Programming Regimen

Spend the first 5 minutes of every day with me for 30 days and watch your life change

Why This is Limited to Just 100 People

We don’t throw bonuses around just for the fun of it. 

Every thing we give you for “free” as part of THIS program, we are essentially paying for you, so you don’t have to. Likewise, all bonuses are added to improve the OUTCOME you will enjoy as a byproduct of the program. If I’m going to fix the way you think (think like a Champion) I might as well help you program your future state and identity so we are “on pace” as we implement. 

It makes sense. 

BUT — I don’t like my tools & models being shared around all over the internet. I’ve published material that’s been purchased by over 100,000 individual customers.

As weird as it is to say this:

I don’t want everybody having access to my suite of curriculum. If everybody has it, there’s very little competitive advantage. 

So we actually LIMIT who can buy into the things we publish every month. It’s like clockwork, every single time, someone emails us, or posts in the group — the day after we close: “Hey can you make an exception?” 

No. We cannot. And we will not. 

As you’ll read further down this page, you’re protected by a 100% zero-excuses REFUND policy. If you don’t enjoy the material, if you don’t use the material, if you are a jerk and just want a refund because- we will process a refund. I’m not trying to get rich by keeping your money against your will (doesn’t work that’s way).

That means you have absolutely nothing to lose. Even if you aren’t sure, even if you haven’t Google’d me 1,800 times… even if you can’t make up your mind about whether you want to be successful or not — you have no excuses. 

That’s why, if you email us after the deadline has passed (or we move 100 units), asking us to open up one spot for you, the answer will be no. The people who deserve the competitive advantages I provide are the people who MOVE on opportunities when they see them.

This is a Major Opportunity...

The Belief Architecture workshop ticket alone should be a minimum 5-figure investment. The frameworks I learned and am going to teach have cost me personally tens of thousands of dollars and I’ll be spending 3-5 hours going through them with you. If it makes you a better mom… a better dad… a better partner, friend, ally or leader — what’s that worth? If it can add fulfillment to your life in ways no amount of money can – what’s THAT worth? 

Well, good news…

Why Am I Including All of This?

The support curriculum, the 30-day programming audios, the Quantum Leap trainings and the entire orchestration designed to speed you up and improve your DIRECTIONAL CERTAINTY...


No Catch...

No “continuity program” hidden fees in the fine print, or anything like that. And no obligation to buy anything else from us, ever. Although you might want to after you see how good our material is. 

My goal with this product is to create a relationship. 

Once you sit down to consume this material and go through the homework, you’ll experience our level of quality and the next time you need something, you’ll know who to talk to. 

Regardless, you are covered no matter what. You aren’t risking a penny.

Backed By the Best Guarantee Money Can Buy

It’s important to make sure you know, everything you see in my offer today is 100% backed for the next 60 days. 

That means, I personally pledge you will never find a more sound, proven, VALUABLE or EFFECTIVE mental programming / TRAINING system — anywhere else, ever.

If you decide I’m wrong about that, you can call or email us any time (contact information below) in the next 60 days. Even if it’s Sunday morning while I’m at church, I will get you your money back immediately. No questions asked. Obviously, you won’t need to return anything – not the course, or the bonuses, the audios, or the templates. You keep it all, my compliments for trusting me with your time.

Still Not Convinced? Call One of My Advisors Now at (615) 695-2490

They are standing by to help you start this journey…
Within minutes of filling out the secure order form on the next page, your bonuses & templates will be waiting for you in your email inbox. 

P.S. In case you’re one of those people who skips to the bottom as soon as you open a page (ugh), here’s what you’re getting today:

Quantum Leap Session

Train your mind to see beyond reality & then, eventually, control it

Reality Control Session

This is the first time I’ve ever taught this material on “reframing” the past to create a better future; complete with exercises and homework to implement

Design Your Future Self

Two unique series on identifying the version of your future & yourself that you want; then bringing crystal clear pictures into TODAY so you can match it; complete with exercises and homework to implement

30 Day Programming Regimen

Spend the first 5 minutes of every day with me for 30 days and watch your life change
  • If you aren't serious about your life and your career, this is not for you.
  • If you are uncommitted to growth, this is not for you.
  • ​If you’re a scam artist or you do not genuinely care about helping the world as a moral rule of creating wealth, this is not for you.
If, on the other hand, you are a motivated leader who wants to BOLSTER your control over your mind, your emotions and your direction in your life – creating this Quantum Leap is of the utmost importance. You can waste years dragging around incircles or we can “go for it” with precision & speed right now. 

Your choice. 

Everything you see in my offer is yours to keep no matter what.

Taylor Welch
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