Scale Predictably Without Fatigue and Burnout:

Scale Predictably Without Fatigue and Burnout:

How to Build Your Consulting Business Like an Investor

How To Build Your Consulting Business Like an Investor

Create a Legitimate Consultancy (With Stability) by Getting Off the Hamster Wheel of Client Acquisition and Structuring Your Business For Exponential Growth

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Video Chapters:

  • 01:01 - Client commentary: How one of our clients replaced 90% of his low-tier clients with legacy clients using our system - and now his MRR exceeds monthly fixed costs and his cash reserves cover 11-months operating burn
  • 02:58 - How we ensure quarter-over-quarter growth and avoid reactive decisions made from turbulent monthly numbers
  • 04:18 - Restructuring your business to optimize for financial, operational, AND personal margin
  • ​06:43 - The models we use to secure profitability, durability, safety, and sustainability in our businesses
  • ​08:52 - The four freedoms our models are designed to achieve: freedom from competition, freedom from instability, freedom from labor, and freedom of enterprise value
  • ​13:43 - An invitation to explore the Codex model and examine how your business could look if the model is applied