Brand New Handbook For Expert Coaches and Consultants Reveals:

How to Increase Your Prices Without Losing Your Clients

Get Paid What You’re Worth, On Time, Every Single Time

A tourist in New York’s Greenwich Village decided to have his portrait sketched by a sidewalk artist.

He received a very fine sketch, for which he was charged $100. 

“That’s expensive,” he said to the artist, “but I’ll pay it, because it is a great sketch. But, really, it took you only five minutes.” 

“Twenty years and five minutes,” the artist replied.

Brand New Handbook For Expert Coaches and Consultants Reveals:

Brand New Handbook
For Expert Coaches and Consultants Reveals:

How to Increase Your Prices Without Losing Your Clients

Get Paid What You’re Worth, On Time, Every Single Time

A tourist in New York’s Greenwich Village decided to have his portrait sketched by a sidewalk artist.

He received a very fine sketch, for which he was charged $100. 

“That’s expensive,” he said to the artist, “but I’ll pay it, because it is a great sketch. But, really, it took you only five minutes.” 

“Twenty years and five minutes,” the artist replied.
Would you like to pay yourself what you’re worth?

I would like to show you THE most sophisticated offer-design blueprint on the market.

This will be the “linchpin” of your business. Once you’ve implemented this material, your days of overwhelm, stress and worry might be gone for good. 

Here are a few takeaways you’ll get when you read my brand new book:

  • The easiest way to make selling “expensive” items easy
  • My biggest mistake early on when selecting a niche and building an offer for that niche (I’ve since learned from my mistake and then made more — there is years of learning inside this small book that will make your business so much more predictable)
  • The only 3 things a “world class” offer needs to communicate to your market (see pg. 13)
  • ​There are “riches in niches,” right? There used to be, but right now groups are consolidating together — you should target different markets this way instead (see pg. 14)
  • ​How to prove your are the best at what you do without using stupid claims or noncompliant advertising (see pg. 16)
  • ​The unexpected benefit of using my offer design model in your business: one offer can speak to several different “niches” at the same time. If you do it right, one offer can pack your business full of great clients, even if they’re all looking for different things (see pg. 18)
  • ​Two components that allow your offers to compete with industry-grade collegiate education materials (see pg. 18-20)
  • ​A good offer is something you can sell again and again to new people. A GREAT offer is something that people want to pay for over and over again — if you can follow the model on page 20 you will notice improved retention over long-term offer timelines (see pg. 20)
  • ​The fastest (and easiest) way to eliminate “buyers remorse” — happens in the design. I’ll show you how we do it and how you can model (see pg. 21)
  • ​Why MOST of the industry’s offers are way too big (they’re doing too much for too little, and their clients aren’t happy with it). This sounds counterintuitive until you understand why people actually buy (see pg. 23)
  • ​Things to never do when selling a new offer (see pg. 24)
  • ​The only difference between “done for you” offers and “advice-based” offers (like consulting or coaching). If you master this framework you will be able to sell either/or to the same market based on what they need (see pg. 26)
  • ​How to increase your profits without changing a single thing about your pricing (see pg. 28)
  • ​The 3-part method for keeping your value high and your “working hours” manageable (see pg. 30)
  • ​When you sit down to “construct” your offer, there are 4 steps that must be completed in order that you clients will go through — if you miss these 4 steps you will never scale your business (see pg. 32)
  • ​The old hamster wheel (VSL to Call to Client to Upsell) is about to burn up; you want to be OFF this hamster wheel when it happens. On page 37 I start teaching the new model for running 7 and 8 figure client businesses. This is advanced material and you will need to mark it up and read it several times (see pg. 37)
  • ​What the gurus are too embarrassed to share with you — if you saw their sales percentages like I do, you’d never model what the majority of them are doing (see pg. 38)
  • ​A dead-simple way to spend your time talking to top-tier quality leads (while still servicing the lower quality leads). This alone could save you hours of labor while improving your reputational equity with your market (see pg. 40)
  • ​An old secret (I stole it from Starbucks) to maximizing LTV (lifetime value) without compromising your ethical or moral compass (see pg. 41) 
  • ​There are 3 types of people in every market; all 3 of them can be properly serviced and retained long term if you know how to treat them and build offers specifically for them (see pg. 42)
  • ​The problem with “one offer / one market” approach (this used to work but it’s not working anymore, you need to adapt or die — see pg. 42-43)
  • ​How we structure our “product suite” without cannibalizing the market (see pg. 39)
  • ​People buy when they need an outcome, right? Wrong. This has never been true. People buy when two emotions are present at the same time — and your OFFER is what creates these two emotions (see pg. 26)
  • ​Why smart, talented entrepreneurs stay stuck at the same income for years despite having everything needed to advance (see pg. 47)
Speaking of “staying stuck,” that’s why I wrote this book. 

On this page I’m going to share with how you can not only mobilize your business forward but do it in less time (and less effort). 

But first…

A Book For Expert Business Owners Who Want Better Clients and More Revenue

Included With Your Offer Design Toolkit Purchase:

  • A Digital Copy of the book that you can access instantly and start reading
  • A One and a Half Hour Video Training recorded live at a client event, where Taylor and his marketing director break down the entire offer creation process with activities and workshop sessions
  • A Full Year of the Consulting Digest Newsletter delivered to you digitally each month - absolutely FREE of charge (an $84 annual value) 

For Only $3


Offer Design 
Live Video Training

Watch Taylor and his Marketing Director, Dane Mohrmann, walk a room full of paying attendees through the process of building out their offers in real time with specific examples and workshopping opportunities. Complete with a Q&A at the end!


A Full Year's Digital Subscription to the Consulting Digest Newsletter - FREE

Each and every month, our team compiles the top insights from our work with thousands of consulting clients, designs them in a premium magazine format and publishes them to our subscriber base. On top of the monthly newsletter drops - you also get a weekly mindset coaching call with Taylor and our team every Monday!

Each and Every Purchase is Covered by Our 100% Money-Back Guarantee

If you are unhappy with your purchase of the Offer Design Toolkit for any reason whatsoever, we don't want you to pay for it. We're 100% serious about this - if you contact support, we will refund every dollar of your investment. Because we don't really care about your $3... we care about making an impact in your business.

Who the Heck Am I?

My name is Taylor Welch. 

I’m the Chief Executive Officer at a consulting firm called The Wealthy Consultant. 

We help trainers, consulting firms and coaching businesses drastically improve their “return on effort” ratio. 

You’ve heard of “return on investment” (ROI), right? 

Well “return on effort” (ROE) is a powerful new framework we’ve started tracking. 

When Your ROE is Dialed In Here is What Happens:

  • You earn more money (or at least the same), but for less time each month than the month before
  • Your prices go up (not down) as you get more experience under your belt
  • Sales become easier (less effort) not harder (more effort) as your offer suite develops


I’ve helped over 4,000 people build offers for their brands. But about two years ago I noticed a troubling trend. As competition entered the scene, business owners started doubling down on discounts and offer “overhauls.” Some of them offered “money back guarantees.” Some of them went out and added hours of labor and extra “stuff” to their offers. 

All these people were trying to do was keep up with the competition. 

But it didn’t work. In fact, these changes had the opposite effect. They all slowly burned out. Clients didn’t follow through or even value the extra work. And sadly, a lot of the “old guard” are not around running businesses anymore. 

This is both good and bad for you. 

On one hand, every time a competitor “exits,” you have one less competition. On the other hand, if these business leaders weren’t able to figure out what I’m about to teach you, what shot do YOU have? 

That's Where I Come In...

There are only a handful of things you need to build in order to have a standout, scalable, formidable offer. 

But it has to be designed properly. Then you need to construct it the right way. Lastly, if you don’t execute it effectively you just burn out. These three pillars are important:

And they're ALL different...

Removing the grunt work from your offer will take time. Luckily, I’ve compiled all my research into a brand new book that will remove the guesswork from the process. My goal is simple: I want you working less, working smarter, and making more money.

I don’t want to lower your prices...
The way to do this is not by buying some fancy new marketing strategy. 

It’s not by going out and hiring a bunch of people that you have to pay salaries to either. 

It’s much simpler than all that.

Better Offer Design = Better Business

In 2015, building a “consulting” or training company was easy. 

You needed a collection of videos, some sort of expertise, and a way to get in front of new people. Then, poof #magic. The markets were unsophisticated and online education was newer than it is today. 

But like all things, as soon as people figured out there was a lot of profit to be had, they started rushing the market. It was the great gold rush of online education. People started selling things that were just not appropriate. Big claims got out of control (with no results to back them) and buyers lost trust.

I personally experienced these things.
One of my old education companies became one of the largest in the world. We had something like 130,000 customers and almost 5,000 individual clients. The competition started modeling everything (except for the results). 

And slowly, things began to change.
What used to require a simple sales presentation now required extravagant bonuses, “fast-action” discounts, and pressure. You’ve probably experienced some of this before. If your sales are going down each month, you have a choice to make. You can “sell out” and start ramping up your sales efforts — or, you can learn how to build better offers.

Quick Sidenote...

Usually when a company becomes obsessed with “fixing sales,” they’re trying to cover up an offer problem with better-trained sales professionals. Be careful — trained sales professionals are not going to want to sell a middle-market, “average” offer
When it comes to building a great business, the offer you make to your prospect is the single most important lever you have. 

Unfortunately, the standard training available online about “offer creation” is wildly noncompliant and will get you in more trouble than it’s worth. If you’ve ever seen people claiming “XYZ results or you don’t pay,” this is just one example of this. 

It means they couldn’t figure out how to make a better offer, so they doubled down on a big claim. And big claims attract the FTC like a shark to blood. And the thing is, by the time you realize you’re not allowed to do this, it’s usually too late. A business that grows from a bad offer is oftentimes stuck to that bad offer.

Unless they know how to fix it, quickly
(and without losing a lot of money). 

We want to design the offer so it fits a set of subconscious rules that already exist in the prospect’s mind. Once you know what these rules are, you can use them to build winning offers over and over. 
The second gap to fill is the building process. There are two types of expectations (these come from your market) and two types of delivery (this comes from you). You want to match the delivery with the expectation. 

At this point, you’ve already designed your offer. The thing you’re selling will be positioned properly. But it’s kind of like building a house. If you’ve ever seen the designs for a great house, those designs aren’t worth that much without a buildout to match the blueprint. 

When we built our custom house in Nashville, we paid a bit of money for a great set of plans. But then the expensive work began: building the house! Your offer is the same way. I’ll show you the blueprint, then I’ll show you how to build it out. 

About halfway through the book you’ll start learning about the offer matrix. It’s a model we built in-house to help our clients turn their expertise into something tangible. I’m just going to give it to you in this book. Why would I do that? Well, I am making a bet on you. I am wagering that if you get far enough through the book, one of two things will happen:

You’ll utilize it, implement it and make more money for yourself (how much money is entirely up to you)

Or, you’ll see how much thought and time we’ve put into a $3 book, you’ll inquire about what it could be like to work with us personally to build out all of the other areas of your business (things like team, sales, advertising, staffing, retention, ascension, finance, etcetera)

But there’s one final piece. 

This is not the most important piece, it’s just the part that keeps you from going out of business.
Once we’ve designed the offer, we know how it should feel and sound to the market. But then we must construct the material in the right order. I’m not talking about recording videos — I’m talking about creating an experience. 

Believe it or not, the majority of your “buyers remorse” is created in the first 48-72 hours of accepting a new client. You can fix this if you follow the right sequence. I don’t have a lot to say here because I legitimately have to teach it to you. In the middle of the book there’s a whole chunk (maybe 5-6 pages) that walks you through an outline of sorts. 

This outline will teach you how to construct offers that can compete pound-for-pound with collegiate level education programs. The way we construct the experience is by using time-tested psychology. If you follow this roadmap, you will not only have a brilliant offer to present to your markets — you’ll end up with raving fans as clients. 

Raving fans come from great deliverables and great culture. You want to be systematic about how you do these two things (delivering value, and managing culture). 

Once the outline is in place, we then execute…
One of core ideas you’ll notice in the book is simply client-orientation. Your entire business must be oriented around the client or customer. If you sell something and it doesn’t make the customer happy, your business will move backwards not forwards. 

From the moment we sit down to design an offer, we are designing for execution. 

Yes, the offer must deliver something people really want. Yes, the offer must be organized appropriately (so you don’t lose people in the middle of it). But more than anything, we know that an idea without execution is worthless. You’ve got to be able to pull it off. 

There are a few constraints in the book to help you think this through, but I’ll go through some of it now.

You are the most volatile
variable in your business.

You are the most volatile variable in your business

It’s not the market. Or the economy. It comes down to this: you.

From the time you wake up in the morning to the final minutes before you fall asleep at night — we need the majority of this ‘space’ to be filled with things you enjoy doing. If not, you (like me) will deviate from it. There are two schools of thought here. 

One says you just need more “discipline.” 

I don’t subscribe to this belief. I believe discipline is a natural byproduct of being driven towards a desirable future. When someone says they have a problem with discipline, here is what they’re really saying: “I’m uncertain whether this activity will actual get me what I want in life or not.”

There are dozens of resources I could point you towards to help temporarily fix this. But...

The best (and longest lasting) resource is going to be this book — WHY?

Because if your offer is set up to attract the kinds of people you love working with… and if the work itself is intrinsically motivating & enjoyable for you… and if you are getting adequate “yield” from the hours you’re putting in — you will have all the discipline necessary to follow through. I show you exactly how we set up our offers based on this philosophy in this brand new book. 

If you're currently working 1:1
with clients and...

  • You want to reduce the time requirements WHILE increasing your impact... this book will take you there.
  • You're having "sales issues" and can't seem to break through the glass ceiling of your personal income... this book will help you.
  • You're frustrated that smarter people than you are selling inferior programs and you can't figure out how... this book will show you how (and enable you to compete with them... and WIN).
I’ve put years of intellectual property — backed by hardcore experience — into this short book. And my goal is to get it into your hands as affordable as I can.

Here's Everything You Get Today With Your
Purchase of Offer Design Toolkit

Here's Everything You Get Today With Your Purchase of the Offer Design Toolkit Book

Included With Your Offer Design Toolkit Purchase:

  • A Digital Copy of the book that you can access instantly and start reading
  • A One and a Half Hour Video Training recorded live at a client event, where Taylor and his marketing director break down the entire offer creation process with activities and workshop sessions
  • A Full Year of the Consulting Digest Newsletter delivered to you digitally each month - absolutely FREE of charge (an $84 annual value) 

For Only $3

What's The Catch?

I’d like to make a bet. 

Here it is: I am betting this book will help you more than any $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000 course* you could find on the internet teaching you how to build a better business.

*CAVEAT: I’d like to exclude my courses from the bet, because that’d be betting against myself :-) 

The reason I’m so confident in this is simple: I know most of the course builders and trainers doing this kind of work. And despite them being good people for the most part, they’re teaching business growth completely backwards. 

The last thing you want is for your business to turn on you and become a liability. But that’s exactly what most of these business gurus are teaching you to build. The reasons you’re in business (or wanting to start) in the first place are probably a lot like mine:
  • More time with your family
  • More income for your lifestyle
  • A desire to actually help people and make the world a better place
But then over time, things shift. Your business becomes unstable. It’s two steps forward and two (or three) steps back. It becomes exhausting, stressful, and overwhelming. The pressure mounts up and you begin to experience what I call the “Quitting Fantasy.” The quitting fantasy is when you begin dreaming about one day closing your business so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. 

This is a real place business owners get to. If you’ve ever felt this way, here’s the good news: it’s normal when you don’t have the right mechanics & infrastructure in place. That’s why I wrote this book. And I’ve written it specifically for three kinds of entrepreneurs.

Three Types of Entrepreneurs

This book + training is written for three types of entrepreneurs:
Established, with some experience & success, but slowly getting burned out & wondering “if it’s worth it” to keep building
Brand new, wanting to start (or scale), and would like to build it the right way the FIRST time so you don’t have to live through the “Quitting Fantasy” later
Crushing it, but you know that things change (and they change quickly). You want to be on the cutting edge of what’s working now — and you know that my pedigree and my Rolodex gives me a unique lens into where the future is going
I will personally guarantee you that you’ll not only be satisfied with this small investment of time and money — but you will be blown away by the contents. If you cannot find a way to implement even one money-making idea from it, we don’t want your money. More than that, I would prefer to pay you back for your purchase so the only thing “at stake” here is the couple of hours it will take you to read through the book and watch the accompanying trainings.

What Do I Get Out of This?

What Do I Get
Out of This?

If you meet any of the following criteria, you should pounce on this new book because it’s the cheapest way I know of to learn how to build a lethally effective offer design that protects your time and reputation.
  • You want to increase your revenues & your income but are not willing to sacrifice your sanity or peace of mind to do it
  • You care about the results your clients experience by working with you (and want to mirror a proven model without re-inventing the wheel)
  • You’ve seen “one-hit wonders” rise one year and go out of business the next – and you don’t want to be one of them
  • ​It’s not enough to just “make money.” You want to make money while improving your brand and reputation at scale
This book is 3 bucks. You can buy other stuff from us if you want to – but there are no hidden fees, no secret continuity programs attached to it, nothing. Although, after seeing the quality hidden away inside this 3 dollar book, you might want to buy everything you can from us! 

My goal with this book is to create a relationship. 

Once you sit down and study this material, there is a good chance you will come back to deepen the relationship. 

Many of the 7 & 8 figure clients I’ve helped over the years started with me because of a product just like this one. Implement, see results, then we can work together more closely in the future.
Regardless, you are covered no matter what. You aren’t risking a penny because this is backed by an unconditional money-back guarantee. Here are your options:
  • You see tremendous value and are happy to have invested $3 to learn this model
  • Or you don’t, it’s a waste of your time and you want your $3 back
To my knowledge, we haven’t had anyone request their money back from this book (not yet anyways), but if you are the first we will quickly process your refund and you can keep the book + training.
This is important for you to know: I’m not getting rich off of 3 dollar book sales. The way I got rich is by being so good that people wanted to work with me later to build out their businesses the right way. And I think my track record speaks for itself. 

This book is a powerful concept that will revolutionize the way you build (and SELL) offers forever. We have used this material to build offers ranging from $2-3,000 all the way up to $150,000 enterprise-level offerings.
It obviously works because I wouldn’t have as many clients as I do if it didn’t. 

But in the unlikely event that you’re unhappy, you won’t have to return a thing. Keep the book and the training videos and our team will promptly refund your money the day that you ask.

Still not convinced?

There’s a lot of random stuff on the internet, I’m sure you’re not worried about 3 dollars. But sometimes it helps to talk to a real person to make sure we are real :-) 

Our offices are open, call one of our advisors at (615) 695-2490. We are based in Nashville, TN so if time zones are an issue, leave us a message and we’ll promptly call you back. Within minutes of filling out the secure order form on the next page, your book & the video training will be waiting for you in your email inbox!
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