Read this if you want to escape the expert trainer’s Hamster Wheel of Doom...

The Revolving
Price Method

Create a consulting business that FEEDS itself by implementing
this unconventional new pricing model.

Create a consulting business that FEEDS itself by implementing this unconventional new pricing model

Read this if you want to escape the expert trainer’s Hamster Wheel of Doom...

The Revolving
Price Method

Create a consulting business that FEEDS itself by implementing
this unconventional new pricing model.

Create a consulting business that FEEDS itself by implementing this unconventional new pricing model

Let's cut to the chase here...

My 329 BILLION Dollar Bet...

My name is Taylor Welch. 

I’m the Chief Executive Officer at a consulting firm called The Wealthy Consultant.

And today I’m going to do something that may sound a bit crazy. 

I’m going to make a $329 billion dollar bet. 

You see, over the next few minutes I’m going to show you a simple pattern that I believe will allow you to achieve two incredible things:

  You can capture a small sliver of the $329 billion dollar consulting industry for yourself

  You can build a business that always pays you MORE than it costs you

In my work, I’ve consulted literally
thousands of small businesses.

And I’ve noticed how rare it is to actually succeed at what they set out to do.

Take the following statistics:





< 100




Almost ALL


The most basic answer is this:

They run out of cash...

Cash is the lifesource of a business. If you can’t afford to pay your employees, your taxes, or any of the necessary expenses required to run your business, it’s game over. 

This pressure creates the need to always be selling – to “keep up” with the mountain of expenses & bills needed to run a growing business. But let’s go deeper… 

WHY are businesses running out of cash? 

Why is it that some businesses burn through every dollar they earn without having revenues to replace it? 

And others seem to be on a constant upward trajectory? 

On this page I will show you why.

Advertising, Profit, and Apple's $650K Lesson

In 1984, Apple Computers spent over $650,000 on a single advertising promo that became one of the greatest ads of all time.

They got Sir Ridley Scott to direct it (ya know, the guy who made Blade Runner, Gladiator, Napoleon, and countless other renowned blockbusters), it ran for months, made an appearance during the Super Bowl that year, and the results were absolutely BA-NA-NAS.

Apple sold tens of thousands of its new Macintosh computer off of the back of that one ad.

But here's something even Apple had to learn the hard way:

Getting customers does you no good if you do not keep them.

This is why consultants, coaches & trainers go out of business. They spend all of their money getting new clients – each month having to spend more (and work more) than the month before. All of this can be fixed with a very simply shift in the way you build your offer & set your pricing. I’ll show you how. 

Apple figured this out. 

In 2011, the company launched their very first subscription service. This subscription service kicked off a set of moves that pumped the company bank accounts full of cash and made it the most valuable company in the world. 

This was a bold move at the time, because it moved Apple’s customer base from a “one-time” payment model to a more profitable “over and over” payment model. 


Be Careful...

You’re reading this because you want to build a successful company that is profitable, AND enjoyable, AND sustainable

The best (and easiest) way to do that in today’s economy is by following a new model I’ve created for the consulting/coaching industry. Before you launch a subscription product and try to sell it, let’s address a few failure points:

  • I am not a fan of straight line “monthly recurring revenue” products; people don’t like paying for that and they are very hard to sell
  • Slapping a “subscription” on everything will cheapen your more expensive “flagship” offers — don’t do that either
  • The upkeep (not to mention support) of things like billing, cancellations, “churn” — well let’s just say it’s a headache and a half
  • ​If you don’t charge anything upfront, you will probably run out of money

That’s where my model comes in. 

It allows you to take the best of both worlds and merge them together – without the headache of running a “subscription” business. 

Let’s say your goal is to make $100,000 per month from your consulting business. Compare and contrast these two options:

Get 1,000 customers
paying $100 per month

Get 10 clients paying
$10,000 per month

The second option is easier, but it begs the question: what kind of offer are people willing to pay $10,000 per month for?

The correct answer is somewhere in the middle of Option A and Option B, and that’s what my model helps you build.

Building a SAFE & Profitable Business

I’ve worked with several thousand clients over the last decade. Most of them have been successful and a few of them have been very (VERY) successful. But the key in 2024 is not “better marketing” or “better sales.” The key is learning how to use my model to create a dependable model that will sustain your business for life.

That’s where my brand new book comes in. 

And I’ve taken the liberty of not only giving you the BOOK (which is dense & packed with tactical implementation lessons to implement & install this model) but also an accompanying training video to make the process even easier. 

And I’m not going to ask you for $10,000/month to access it. In fact, I’m only going to ask you for $3. Of course you are now probably wondering WHY in the world is it so cheap?

My Motives

I will wager a bet that this book & training will help you more than most of the expensive courses & programs on the internet. The reason I’m so confident is because I know most of the courses & trainers doing this kind of work – and despite them being good people for the most part, they’re teaching business growth completely backwards. 

The last thing you want is for your business to turn on you and become a liability. But that’s exactly what most of these gurus are teaching you to build. The reasons you are in business (or wanting to start your business) in the first place are probably a lot like mine:

  • More time with your family
  • More income for your lifestyle
  • A desire to actually help people & make the world better

And then over time, your business becomes unsustainable. It becomes exhausting & stressful. The pressure mounts up and you experience what we call the “Quitting Fantasy.” The quitting fantasy is when you begin dreaming about one day closing your business so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. 

This is a real place business owners get to – and my book will, in essence, teach you how to never have to deal with that fantasy anymore. 

After all, if something is paying you well, treating you right, and creating FUN, why would you close it? HINT: you wouldn’t.

Two Types of Entrepreneurs

This book + training is written for two types of entrepreneurs:

Here’s what one entrepreneur, Iggy, had to say after reading through this book:

Another reader, Ryan, wrote this:

This is Not Just a Book About Pricing... It's a Book About Offer Building

And offer building includes the way you structure the economics of your business. 

If you want an upside down business that has more stress than profit, go follow the outdated gurus who are barely hanging on (I know a lot of them because they reach out for help when they eventually burnout). 

BUT – if you want a re-engineered business that protects your time, your peace of mind, and you long term wealth, I’ve written this book – and recorded this training component – specifically for you.

What You're About to Discover

  • How to find “needle in a haystack” opportunities (see pg. 5)
  • What my first “big break” taught me about pricing what you’re worth (see pg. 7)
  • Scale is good, right? Not all scale is good – here’s the difference between good scale and BAD scale. Use this to determine when to grow versus when to fix (see pg. 8)
  • ​The unexpected implications of following this model: you don’t need NEW clients. If you do it right – here’s what happens to your expenses & your profits (see pg. 9)
  • ​The 2 components of a business and how they work together – tune them individually to create controlled and measured growth (see pg. 11)
  • ​One thing you should never remove from your pricing structure if you want to build a durable client-business (see pg. 12)
  • ​The fastest way to run out of cashflow – and how to reverse it to create more (see pg. 12)
  • ​Why MRR is a race to the bottom – and no, “payment plans” are not a form of revolving pricing (see pg. 13)
  • ​What the “gurus” are not telling you about their own businesses – if you saw their financial statements like I do, you would never model what the majority of them are doing (see pg. 13)
  • ​When creating offers, if the first thing you do is record a bunch of materials & videos, your sequence is WRONG (see pg. 14)
  • ​Long term contracts are ruining your client experience, you don’t need them when you use this new model (see pg. 14)
  • ​How to use “touch points” in your offer to evolve & improve your offer as your business grows (see pg. 15)
  • ​The problem with upgrades and “back end” sales (see pg. 16)
  • ​A dead-simple way to explode the “enterprise value” of your business – but this must be started as early as possible (see pg. 17)
  • ​Should you charge up front fees? Quarterly? Annually? Contingency fees? All of them are wrong – do this instead (see pg. 19)
  • ​An old secret all insurance companies use to create stable cash reserves even from their cheaper services – this works beautifully for all client based businesses (see pg. 20)
  • ​There are 5 big problems with all “client getting” trainings on the market today; all 5 can be remedied with this fix (see pg. 24)
  • ​How to reverse “buyers remorse” by structuring your offers the way we do (see pg. 25)
  • ​People buy when the product is good, right? Wrong. Absolutely wrong – these 3 ingredients must be present when you’re assembling any offer, or people will not buy (see pg. 26)
  • ​A good offer isn’t “videos” or “calls” or even experience, it’s ________ (see pg. 27)
  • ​The difference between great advertising and mediocre advertising (see pg. 28)
  • ​Two overlooked “levers” you can pull any time you want to speed up your business growth & decrease the risk involved (see pg. 29) 
  • ​Why smart, talented entrepreneurs stay stuck for years at the same income levels despite having all the ingredients necessary to grow (see pg. 31)
  • ​How to use offers to remove “concentration risk” from your business (see pg. 32)
  • ​Why most businesses fail – and it has nothing to do with the market or economics (see pg. 33)
  • ​LEVERAGE: if you want the fastest path to growth with the least amount of risk or effort, you must look for the areas where you have leverage. There’s one place I’ve found leverage over and over again, and most entrepreneurs overlook it entirely! (see pg. 35)
  • ​How to use “biases” (human psychology) to create powerful momentum in not only your life but your clients’ lives – once you see it, you’ll never unsee it (see pg. 36)

What Do I Get Out of This?

If you meet any of the following criteria, you should pounce on this new book because it’s the cheapest way I know of to learn this model.

  • You want to increase your revenues & your income but are not willing to sacrifice your sanity or peace of mind to do it
  • You care about the results your clients experience by working with you (and want to mirror a proven model without re-inventing the wheel)
  • You’ve seen “one-hit wonders” rise one year and go out of business the next – and you don’t want to be one of them
  • ​You’re looking for SAFETY in how you construct your business so that it doesn’t threaten the other areas of your life that are important to you (like your family, your free time, your health or your mission)

This Book and Video Training are only $3

You can buy other stuff from us if you want to – but there are no hidden fees, no secret continuity programs attached to it, nothing. Although, after seeing the quality hidden away inside this 3 dollar book, you might want to buy everything you can from us! 

My goal with this book is to create a relationship. Once you sit down and study this material, there is a good chance you will come back to deepen the relationship. 

Many of the 7 & 8 figure clients I’ve helped over the years started with me because of a product just like this one. Implement, see results, then we can work together more closely in the future. 

Regardless, you are covered no matter what. You aren’t risking a penny because this is backed by an unconditional money-back guarantee. Here are your options:

You see tremendous value and are happy to have invested $3 to learn this model

Or you don’t, it’s a waste of your time and you want your $3 back

To my knowledge, we haven’t had anyone request their money back from this product (not yet anyways), but if you are the first we will quickly process your refund and you can keep the book + training. 

This is important for you to know: I’m not getting rich off of 3 dollar book sales. The way I got rich is by being so good that people wanted to work with me later to build out their businesses the right way. And I think my track record speaks for itself. 

This book is a powerful concept that will revolutionize the way you build (and run) your business forever. So obviously, in the unlikely event you are unsatisfied, you won’t have to return a thing. Our team will simply get any money you’ve spent back into your account, and you can review the materials at a later time when it makes more sense for you to do so.

Oh, and One More Thing...



Your $3 purchase today doesn't just unlock the book and the video training...

It also unlocks digital access to our monthly Consulting Digest for an entire YEAR - absolutely FREE.

We typically only make this available as a $7/mo membership - but, as a way for us to say "thank you" for investing in the future of your business, we want to give you this $84/year value at no cost.

Still not convinced?

There’s a lot of random stuff on the internet, I’m sure you’re not worried about 3 dollars. But sometimes it helps to talk to a real person to make sure we are real :-) 

Our offices are open, call one of our advisors at (615) 395-3087. We are based in Nashville, TN so if time zones are an issue, leave us a message and we’ll promptly call you back. Within minutes of filling out the secure order form on the next page, your book & the video training will be waiting for you in your email inbox!
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